Thursday, January 19, 2012

The purpose of this blog is to reflect about the violence in the 1930th as a result of the economic crisis in the country.  The video named “life in the thirties” captures the difficulties and struggles of living in a society where a good number of people were afraid and desperate because of the economic crisis of the country during the 30th.  As a result of that, a huge number of people began to lose their jobs and houses. In addition, the people began to feel hopeless and angry because the government was doing little or nothing to solve the situation. In the same vein, people began to take away their savings accounts in order not to lose their savings. At this point, the people started to react violent and took more of their frustrations toward the government, hoping that the government at least pays some attention to their needs. Instead, the government began to use the military force against them in order to put the people under control. It was a little shocked to me  seen a  scene like that, where most of the people were burning things in order to convey their messages, especially because I believed that things like that, only are from third world countries and no for country like this. In addition,  the government began to use others strategies to keep the people cool such make the alcohol legal, something that caused a good result to them.

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